Homepage Wellness

June 15, 2024

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Summer can be a great time of year in Central Oregon. We may be outdoors more often, including our pets. Whether this means basking in the sun on the porch or going out for some hikes, there are a few things to consider for your pets to keep them healthy and safe during the warm…

April 13, 2023

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My family and I recently got a puppy. I knew that crate training would be important for many reasons, but I also knew it would require patience and effort.  The first night we put her in the crate for bedtime she howled. That only lasted about 20 minutes so I figured that wasn’t so bad….

January 11, 2023

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Most of our cats have a different lifestyle than our dogs do. Many cats don’t go outdoors, don’t travel and rarely leave their house. Do they still need vaccines? The answer is yes – and we’ll tell you why. A cat’s immune system Cats are born without any immunity to the diseases of world. This…