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August 10, 2022

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Inappropriate urination is a common reason we see our cat patients at the vet. Sometimes this means urinating on things around the house that they shouldn’t (carpet, couch, clothes, etc) and other times it means frequent trips to the litter box, but only producing small amounts of urine. There are many reasons for inappropriate urination…

July 27, 2022

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A few weeks ago, a dog arrived at our clinic bleeding from her mouth. On examination, we discovered that she had some infected teeth. The infection had destroyed several of her teeth and the jaw bone surrounding the teeth. It damaged nearby blood vessels causing the alarming bleeding. Fortunately we were able to anesthetize her,…

July 19, 2022

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It is summer in Central Oregon and we all want to enjoy the water with our dogs. But there is something you should know before you let them swim or drink. Some types of Algae are toxic to dogs. Cyanobacteria (a type of Algae) produces a toxin that can affect dogs, people and livestock that…

June 23, 2022

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It’s summer in Central Oregon and we’re all excited to get outdoors in the warm weather. However, for some of our pets the summer thunderstorms and 4th of July can be stressful.  The loud noises from the thunder and fireworks can cause a lot of anxiety. This anxiety may manifest as hiding in the house,…