Homepage Cats and Dogs

June 23, 2022

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It’s summer in Central Oregon and we’re all excited to get outdoors in the warm weather. However, for some of our pets the summer thunderstorms and 4th of July can be stressful.  The loud noises from the thunder and fireworks can cause a lot of anxiety. This anxiety may manifest as hiding in the house,…

May 19, 2022

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Many pets struggle with being overweight and for some there are significant health side effects to being overweight. When not acknowledged and addressed early on, it can become more difficult for your pet to lose weight.  The following are health concerns for overweight pets: Arthritis Cruciate ligament tears and other soft tissue injuries Diabetes Heart…

May 18, 2022

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Some pets are nervous at the vet while others are confident and happy. Everyone wants their pet to be relaxed and happy, but how do we get there with a nervous pet? There are many steps we take at Pawtown Veterinary Care to try to make your pet’s visit more fun and less scary. We…