Homepage Pet Health Vaccines In Puppies

February 20, 2025

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Vaccines In Puppies

Vaccines are an important part of keeping our pets healthy. Puppies and dogs need vaccines to protect themselves from different diseases. Although they may get some antibodies from their mother, these antibodies wear off as your dog gets older. This is why vaccines are important. As an adult dog, you may be able to obtain titers for some vaccines/diseases but these can only be obtained after your pet has received vaccines. Titers are not available for all diseases. 

  • DAP(Distemper/Adenovirus/Parvovirus) –
    • This vaccine protects against multiple viruses that cause respiratory, gastrointestinal and neurological issues.  Symptoms can range from mild to serious and these viruses are very contagious so it’s important to follow the guidelines for vaccines before exposing your puppy to public parks & dog parks.
    • This vaccine is given to puppies as a series starting around 8-10 weeks and boostered every 3-4 weeks until 16 weeks of age. The next vaccine is due 1 year later. Then boosters are given every 3 years for the rest of your dog’s life. 
  • Rabies –
    • This vaccine is required by Oregon Law for all puppies by the time they are six months old. We recommend administering this vaccine between 4-6 months of age. Rabies is a virus that can infect all mammals including humans. It invades the central nervous system and results in death. 
    • Only one vaccine is needed for puppies and it is good for 1 year. After that boosters are given every 3 years for the rest of your dog’s life.
  • Bordetella (Infectious tracheobronchitis) –
    • This disease can be bacterial or viral and highly contagious between dogs causing a hacking cough. This vaccine is recommended for dogs that will be in places/environments with other dogs. Close contact within 6 feet or sharing water bowls or toys can cause infection. If you plan to board, go to the groomer, play at dog parks or even meet & greet other dogs on the trail, it would be wise to get this vaccine.  
    • One vaccine lasts for 1 year, however some groomers/boarding facilities require this vaccine every 6 months. 
  • Leptospirosis –
    • Leptospirosis is a bacteria spread by wildlife & rodents through their urine.  It is most often found in warm, wet environments (especially stagnant water like puddles and small ponds); but even wet grass can harbor Leptospirosis until it dries out. It causes kidney failure and is zoonotic, meaning it can spread from animals to humans.  We recommend this vaccine for dogs that will be out hiking, camping or swimming/playing in water. You should also consider this vaccine if you have a lot of squirrels, deer, or raccoons in your yard. 
    • Your puppy will need two boosters of this vaccine 3-4 weeks apart. Usually, we start this vaccine series around 3-5 months of age. After that the vaccine is given once a year for maintenance. 
  • Rattlesnake –
    • We recommend this vaccine if you frequent areas with Rattlesnakes such as Smith Rock, Prineville Reservoir and Eastern Oregon.  This will not stop the venom from harming your puppy if they get bitten, but will give you more time to make it to an emergency hospital to receive the anti-venom.  
    • Most dogs will need two boosters of this vaccine 3-4 weeks apart, however very small and very large dogs may require 3 boosters. After that the vaccine is given once a year for maintenance.  It’s best to administer this vaccine in the spring before rattlesnake season starts in the summer as the vaccine is most effective in the first 6 months.
  • Influenza –
    • This vaccine is not as commonly discussed unless there is a flu outbreak or your dog is traveling around the country to high trafficked dog areas like dog shows. But there are times when your dog is at a higher risk locally, such as if they go to an indoor doggy day care. In these cases we may recommend the Flu vaccine.  There are some boarding and day care facilities that require the Flu vaccine, so be sure to check the requirements. Ask your veterinarian if you think this vaccine may be right for your puppy. 
    • Your puppy will need two boosters of this vaccine 3-4 weeks apart. After that the vaccine is given once a year for maintenance.